Author Chris S. Skarratt

Managing Editor; known for his regular participation in triathlons and other masochistic endurance tests, Stirling’s military fortitude is nothing short of inhuman. Stirling is also a successful entrepreneur in the film and creative industries.

The Lifestyle

Since I started using the phone I’ve noted other earlier model Blackberry users looking it over with a hint of green in their gaze. This phone is a desired commodity.


“If you visit the restrooms at the Goring Hotel you might be forgiven for thinking you’ve taken a step back in time to a Victorian gallery of smut. Adorning the walls are a selection of Reubenesque beauties leaving very little to the imagination…”


Might I point out that sprint has sprung. Isn’t it obvious? Cold wintery nights, grey…


“You can see Copenhagen’s balls from here!”. Excuse me? “What on Earth are you talking about” I said to Mr P, who was stunt double for Lady Stirling this particular evening. “Copenhagen, his balls, you can see them quite clearly from here”. He was right.


“Country: Club. Gun: Shot. Agent: Stirling. Murder: A scotch. Skyfall: I think you mean Ashdown old chap, and like Bond this story starts with a woman wielding a gun to my detriment…” Stirling is outgunned in East Sussex…