Author Sophie McLean

Our international maiden of mystery, Sophie spends more time out of the country than in it. A self-confessed Italophile and a lover of all things vinous, when she’s not reposing somewhere suitably superb, you’ll find her zipping around the country in fabulous supercars, thoughtfully admiring arty accolades, and sampling the best of London’s watering holes and eateries.


Sophie McLean discovers a corner of Croatia where old world architecture is buttressed by cutting edge design…


“At approximately 11am, a white silence steals our breath away as we step almost seamlessly from the plane door on to a train that would carry our winter-coated crocodile through a snow-clad Switzerland…”


“We only play to a minimum of 80,000 people,” says the Turkish rock star with an ironic glint in his eye as he builds a pyramid out of macadamia nuts on the table that sits between us…


For most of last year, and some of this, I made frequent visits to Manchester.…

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