Author Toby 'Lawrence' White

Managing Editor; renowned for his exotic adventures to far flung places, Larry occasionally sends us a message from his BlackBerry to let us know that he’s lost in terra incognita and can we pay off his library card as he could be away for some time.


Larry ventures to a secret location in Edinburgh one damp autumn afternoon for a tasting of a very special single malt, one of the finest in all of Scotland. You’d think he’d know how to pronounce it…


Larry returns to Zurich and experiences a weekend of opulence, elegance, unparalleled finery…and a delicious…


“I’m sat at the window of our room as I write. It’s the one sunny day we’ve had all week in Cornwall, and a gentle breeze wafts in through the broad knee-high sash window that opens to a view of lawns…”


“It’s your birthday?” Pachry decried. “Then we shall go to Twickenham!” I was touched by his thoughtfulness, our erstwhile Sanskrit scribe was not known for his sentimentality…


“There are two roads from Cancun to Chichen-Itza. The first takes you through quiet villages. The other, the one we found ourselves on, was a dual carriageway, through scrub jungle and without a single stopping point for 150km.”


“Traditionally the preserve of spring break chaos and package holidays, my heart sank when an invitation dropped through our letterbox to the wedding of Mrs L’s Canadian cousin, naming the destination: Cancun.”

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