Browsing: The Culturist

The Culturist Eltham Palace - Virginia's bathroom

“It wasn’t warm or cosy, no chintz or frills here! Eltham was a way of life – soon entertaining the Mayfair-set in droves.” Rebecca and her chap venture south to explore the grounds of a Deco domain…


“Ruuuush!” screams our guide, Chicago Mike. Rush, you see, is the surname of one of the passengers booked today on the Original London Rock Tour. Kira reports on London’s musical maze of mystery…

On Screen

“I found myself fascinated and excited by Marley. At times it drew me close to tears. I didn’t of course, actually cry. In fact, had I cried, I would still probably say that I didn’t of course, cry.”

On Screen

Adam Wingard’s 2010 film stands as an impressive achievement; intense performances, a restrained and understated…

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