Pinter’s Patients: The Hothouse
“Set in an ‘institution’ of some description with ‘patients’ referred to only by a series of numbers, The Hothouse is certainly not one of Pinter’s best known plays…”
“Set in an ‘institution’ of some description with ‘patients’ referred to only by a series of numbers, The Hothouse is certainly not one of Pinter’s best known plays…”
“Graham Greene’s classic comedic novel tells the story of dahlia-tending, former bank manager Henry Pulling, who is dragged out of a suburban existence and onto a life-changing journey of adventure and discovery…”
“First premièred in 1981, this revival 30 years on proves Passion Play is a timeless and truthful portrayal of the consequences of betrayal and the fragility and importance of trust.”
“Actress-turned-director Maria Friedman has taken this production through a run at the Menier Chocolate Factory, where it won the 2012 Critics’ Circle award for Best Musical before transferring to the West End.”
23rd April marked Shakespeare’s 449th birthday, and this anniversary seemed a good opportunity to revisit…
“The cold wind howled through the delightfully mismatched set up of the pub, and as the characters debated the wind direction outside, more and more of the audience gathered their coats to use as blankets.”
“I am in a garage in Hoxton on a Tuesday night. On the walls I can see my name scrawled in white chalk alongside other names which have been crossed out. A mound of burnt-out matches lies on the floor, and cowering next to my feet is a bedraggled man shining a torch in his face.”
From hushed-up terminations to unwanted pregnancies, Ellis’s sparkle gradually fades to leave a woman terrfied of rejection and determined to self-destruct. “It’s obvious when I shot him, I intended to kill him” she announces almost boastfully.
“Everything from the mop of fringed fair hair and horn-rimmed glasses down to the thick pullover and sensible brown shoes, convinced the audience that they were privy to an intimate monologue from the great playwright himself.”
At a time when Tory politicians are considering scrapping the Human Rights Act, Rattigan’s call for integrity remains highly topical, despite having been written over 60 years ago.
“Thirty years on, the original writers have returned to show us how little Westminster has moved on.” Rebecca enjoys the onstage adaptation of Yes, Prime Minister…
“Simple8’s theatrical adaptation of Caligari is a wonderfully innovative homage to the film. They employ “Poor Theatre” to tell the story, a theatrical style characterised by its absence of elaborate stagecraft.”