Wolf in Women’s Clothing
Loulou de la Falaise, bohemian, former muse to Yves Saint Laurent, synonymous with the designer’s 70s era entourage of creatives and beautiful people, died on November 5th, aged 63.
Loulou de la Falaise, bohemian, former muse to Yves Saint Laurent, synonymous with the designer’s 70s era entourage of creatives and beautiful people, died on November 5th, aged 63.
As I sit down and reach for my napkin, a silver platter arrives before me with 12 Flor de Canos arranged clockwise upon it. I steal four o’clock with a murmur of thanks and fire it up with quiet elation. Crikey, this is something special.
I am intrigued by blends of old and new. Modern on its own is entirely dull and narrow-minded to me, but old on its own isn’t enough either. So, I couldn’t be more charmed by the launch of the fluoro range of the classic Cambridge Satchel.
The gathered crowd – lawyers, army officers, restaurateurs, luxury retailers and your dedicated correspondent – were united by the love of food, drink and fine cigars and by golly, didn’t we prove it…
Is there anything more therapeutic than a deep bubble bath? Yes: sipping a cold gin and tonic while I soak. Baths and gin are two of my favourite things, which have now blended more completely than I ever could have hoped.
Nuj Novakhett is a New York based womenswear designer, whose eponymous line is already a…
A week in the life of The Arb’s fabulous Fashion Editor, Kate Lawson, as she struts her stuff through the Spring-Summer 2012 shows and parties. Expect Espresso Martinis, pouting in shades, and flashing lights…
In my continual training to become an undercover agent (I speak multiple languages, take regular…
“This is The Salter Programme.” The voice was British, educated, with a working class burr. “I am calling from Tokyo, and want to inform you that your film script has been selected by our cultural exchange programme.”
Barneys is to collaborate with the Queen of the lil’ monsters herself, Lady Gaga, to…
I went to a 40th birthday party last Saturday. It was full of stupid, sleazy media types braying like donkeys, desperate to be liked, to be younger than they were, to be thought of as important, to be everything other than what they were.
Neuw Denim is an Australian brand founded by three friends – Par Lundqvist, Stephen Little…