Twenty Days in June
“The road is like life in miniature, but stretched, extreme at both ends, much more so when one is flying solo. One moment you’re laughingly ecstatic, the next you’re so terribly low that it’s blackness all around, without end…”
“The road is like life in miniature, but stretched, extreme at both ends, much more so when one is flying solo. One moment you’re laughingly ecstatic, the next you’re so terribly low that it’s blackness all around, without end…”
“Brighton is in a league of its own. As soon as the train pulls into the beautifully maintained station you know that this is not Margate, or Blackpool or Scunthorpe.”
“THUD. I’m dicing with death here. That’s the third coconut to narrowly miss my head. In the Seychelles, more people die from falling coconuts than shark attacks.” Jess visits Desroches…
“As a kid I had a sentimentally-illustrated bible, depicting events in the Holy Land circa 2000 years ago. They were pretty, in a chocolate box kind of way, but somehow they didn’t make the place seem real.”
“I could hear my heart pounding as we inched our way around yet another terrifying bend. I could only wish someone had told me how dreadfully nerve-wracking the Applecross Road is before we’d embarked on our drive.”
“Moscow still remains the city that the world associates with iron-clad socialism, dodgy airline companies and the imposing Kremlin. Despite being only a short hop from London, it invokes a far-off, almost feral image.”
The low, moaning drone hummed through the glass of our hotel room in Inverness, immediately bringing an ironic smile to my lips. “It can’t be,” I mused to the boy. “It can’t be bagpipes. Can it?”
Having just returned from Hollyweird, I’m still trying to cope with that wonderful thing they…
“I have never really fancied visiting Dubai. Dubai to me has always been like liver, or spinning – I do not need to try it to know that I won’t like it.” Jess puts aside her forebodings and discovers a different Dubai…
Victoria Sackville-West lyrically wrote of the region, “This calm of husbandry, this redolent tilth. This terracing of hills, this vintage wealth.” David explores the luxury properties of Tuscany’s Castelfalfi…
“Chekov would have been in his element. The sky was grey, the air chilled, a bracing morning and one with a wisp of adventure on that Siberian fuelled breeze.” Stirling takes Lady S for a train ride…
“There are two roads from Cancun to Chichen-Itza. The first takes you through quiet villages. The other, the one we found ourselves on, was a dual carriageway, through scrub jungle and without a single stopping point for 150km.”